Aarhus University Seal

Gene Mapping

General concept and statistical models for gene mapping , imputation of genotypes, reconstruction of haplotype phases, models and methods for population-based association mapping. Methods to control false discovery in association studies – multiple testing and population structure. Gene mapping methods include single-marker regression, mixed linear model, and methods that include pedigree information and population structure. Meta-analysis in GWAS. Mendelian Randomization. PostGWAS analysis, single variant annotation, functional enrichment analyses and Integration of eQTLs.

Exam info and full course description

Exam info and full course description can be found in the course catalogue.

Admission Requirements

Course specific:

To apply for the course, you must have passed a Bachelor's degree in Natural or Technical science. Furthermore, prerequisites corresponding to the courses Quantitative Genetics, Biostatistics and General Molecular Biology or equivalent is required. Students without these course pre-requisites should contact the course coordinator to determine if they are eligible.


Exchange Students: nomination from your home university

Freemovers: documentation for English Language proficiency

You can read more about the admission here.
