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Researchers at Aarhus University have described how a group of the brain’s transport proteins with important roles in depression and dependence…
At Denmark’s Political Festival on Bornholm this year, AU aims to contribute to a more informed debate on the universities and push research higher up…
Researchers from Aarhus University participate in a new national project to ensure that protein researchers will have access to the latest advanced…
Researchers at Aarhus University have described one of the cell’s key enzymes, the calcium pump, in a so-called transition state. The findings provide…
Researchers from Aarhus BSS have developed the treatment programme Impulsive Lifestyle Counselling, which helps substance abusers who also suffer from…
Helt almindelige mennesker i alle aldre er med til at løse kvantefysiske problemer ved at spille computerspil. En aarhusiansk forskergruppe har på den…
New research reveals the mechanism behind a cancer-relevant inhibition of human sugar transporting protein. The hope is that this will guide future…
On the new QS World University Ranking, Aarhus University is ranked in the top 100 in thirteen subjects – and in the top 50 in three of these.
Consumers and tax payers lose out when EU lobbyists fight the cause of producers. Researcher from Aarhus BSS recommends that lobbyism should be…
Aarhus University gives its full support to the researchers who provide public sector consultancy services, according to Dean Niels Chr. Nielsen. This…
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