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Research will make it possible to replace animal protein with potato protein extracted from the production of potato starch. Thus, the potatoes will…
Are you motivated by practical work and experience, and do you want an idea of what the labour market is really like? Then the courses in culture…
Combine an outworn theory for star formation with a novel phenomenon from the world of experimental physics and you can achieve a deeper understanding…
Faba beans have great potential as a protein crop, and researchers will now optimise the cultivation of beans to replace imported soya bean protein…
How can mankind reduce climate change by minimising or removing sufficiently large amounts of carbon from the atmosphere? This was one of the major…
On Friday 22 January 2016, Professor Jens Stougaard will receive Denmark's largest individual research award, the 2016 Villum Kann Rasmussen Annual…
A research group at Department of Chemistry has changed its strategy for high-accuracy computer simulations of large molecules such as insulin,…
Arnold Boon is Aarhus University's new university director. The university invites you to join us in welcoming him at a brunch reception for partners…
A property deal of historic proportions was concluded in Aarhus this week. Central Denmark Region has sold the hospital buildings on Nørrebrogade –…
Aarhus University’s new university director is 48-year-old Arnold Boon. For the past nine years, Boon has served as administrative and faculty…
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