Aarhus University Seal

Sublet to international students

Do you have a room or a flat you want to sublet?

OBS. No more rooms needed August - December 2024.

If you want to sublet to an international students through AU Housing, please find the conditions below.

We need:

  • furnished single rooms and apartments
  • rent max. 5.000 DKK (single room), 7.000 DKK (apartment)
  • max distance to campus 7 km
  • length of contract should be 5-12 months
  • Moving in date should be January/February or August/September (we don't have student coming to Aarhus in the other months)

What happens next?

We will send you contact information on a relevant international student in November (spring term) or May (autumn term.) Hereafter, you and the student need to contact each other and find out if you are mutually interested. If you agree, it is time to draw up a contract, read more below.


Draw up a contract

AU Housing will as soon as possible after having received your subletting offer send an email to you as well as to a potential tenant and ask you to contact each other.

Then you fill in a leasing contract. You need to use an authorized version of a leasing contract. You can download it from here. Unfortunately there are no authorized versions available in English, but you can translate it using this translation. Therefore, you must fill out and sign the Danish version. When you have filled in the contract, please send two copies to your tenant. Ask him/her to sign both contracts and return one to you as soon as possible. Attach the English version, so the tenant understands the contract.

Please notice that you enter into the agreement as private persons, and that the role of AU Housing is solely to establish the contact between you. Aarhus University is not responsible for any economic loss due to incidents or missing payments. Should any problems arise you are of course welcome to contact AU Housing at housing@au.dk and we will do what we can to help you.

Do not forget to check out the conditions for sublease in your own contract.

Rent payment

You can choose to continue paying your rent to your landlord as usual, and to state in the leasing contract with your tenant that he/she pays the rent to your account. In that way you will know immediately, if your tenant fails to pay the rent. If it suits you better you can of course also ask your tenant to pay directly to your landlord. No matter which model you choose, it is important that you include payment conditions and notices in the contract. Remember to include expenses of electricity, heating and water.


We recommend that you ask for 3 months’ rent as deposit. This is of course to be paid back to the tenant when the contract ends, eventual costs deducted. Make a clear agreement with your tenant on when the two of you together can inspect the room.

Moving in and out

Ask your new tenant to fill out a checklist when he/she moves in. Use this or draw one up yourself.

When it is time for your tenant to move out again fill out a new checklist together. Use this or draw one up yourselves. If you can't agree on possible occurred damages, make sure to document these with photos and invite offers from repair companies.

Term of notice

We recommend that the term of notice is set to 3 months.

Claim for damages

Compensation for any damages to your room, furniture or other belongings should be directed to your tenant (he/she might have an insurance to cover the loss.) Aarhus University is not responsible for any damages to your room, furniture or belongings.