Applicable, if you have received your housing offer from AU Housing. (Not applicable, if you have received a contract from Student Housing Aarhus, VIA or elsewhere.)
Submit this moving in checklist as soon as possible and no later than three days after moving in, even though you have nothing to report.
Upon moving out, the moving in check list will be your documentation that any deficiencies or damages described in the moving in checklist included scratches, holes etc., are not caused by you.
Not satisfied with the cleaning? Report it here and send in immediately. Do not start cleaning yourself, if you want our cleaning company hired.
Please upload photos to clarify problems. If needed, send additional photos to, as subject write checklist and your address.
Your moving out date may not be the same as the date, your contract ends. Check out the date here.
Your lease does not include a home insurance. Make sure you are covered in case of theft, accidents, damage etc. Read more here.