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The Circle EU.lympics - Europe and Europeanness in uncertain times

Are you interested in Europe and what makes us European? And would you like to get to know your fellow Europeans better and explore what role languages and culture plays and how the current political climate shapes the values and feelings of being European? And would you also like to take part in a 4-day trip to Aarhus in Denmark to discuss and learn with students from all over Europe?

If so, the Circle EU.lympics is just the thing for you.

The Circle EU.lympics is a programme that delves into the theme of Europe and explores it from a host of different academic angles.

One programme, two phases

The programme is divided into two phases; 1) a series of four online webinars and 2) a physical conference in Aarhus, Denmark.

Phase 1: Online lectures

The first phase includes four online lectures from February to March 2025. Here, students, researchers and doctoral students from Circle U.’s 9 partner universities will discuss the themes of Europe and what the future of continent is in times of pressure from multiple fronts .

In the online webinars, students and researchers get to share their research topics and expertise. The webinars cover a broad range of interesting and relevant topics.

Phase 2: Physical get-together in Aarhus

In the second phase, a 4-day trip in Aarhus will take place from 29 April to 2 May, 2025 at Aarhus University. The programme will include workshops, debates, site visits and sports activities for students and the opportunity to get to know more about Aarhus, Denmark and the danes. The event will bring together students and staff from across the Circle U. alliance and Aarhus University.

The Circle eU.lympics project is supported by the Circle U. European university alliance and organised by Université Paris Cité, King’s College London and the University of Aarhus.

Who can attend

The primary target group is students from all Circle U. partner universities, and secondly academic staff from all Circle U. partners interested in sharing their work in the online lectures part. The online lectures are open to all interested students and staff in Circle U.

Programme for the online lecture series

All lectures take place on Zoom from 18.15 - 20.00 (CET)  / 17.15 - 19.00 (GMT). You will receive the meeting links after you register.

Preliminary programme (subject to change)

5 February: What is Europe? Borders, identities and global perspectives

Annemarie Majlund, PhD student in European Studies, Aarhus University

Annette Skovsted Hansen: associate professor in Global Studies, Aarhus University

19 February: Europe and politics. Democracies and nationalist populism, Europe and the rest of the world

Fouad Nohra, professor in Political Science, Université Paris Cité: European democratic values and the populist agenda

Bernard Andrieu, professor of Philosophy, Université Paris Cité: Sport and populism 

Personal perspectives from students from the University of Belgrade: Student action and protest in Serbia, what is all about? - The power of unity

5 March:  European culture(s), languages and values - unity in diversity?

Mette Zølner, professor in Intercultural Studies, Aarhus University: Collaborating across cultures and languages

Additional speaker(s) to be confirmed

19 March: Innovation and Sustainability in Europe- what will the future hold?

Speakers to be annouced

Physical conference in Aarhus 29 April - 2 May

Practical information and precise programme for the physical part in Aarhus on 29 April - 2 May will be available soon.

We welcome applications from all students who have attended the online talks. Students who have attended a min. of two talks and preferably all, will be preferred.

Circle U. students may be eligible for travel funding from their home university. Details will be provided when the application opens on 19 March. 

How to apply and application deadline

Online talks

Sign up for the online lecture(s) by clicking at the blue Sign up-button. You can sign up for one or more of the talks, and the application will be open until 19 March.

Application for the physical conference in Aarhus

Application will open on 19 March.

Selection criteria

  • Motivational statement
  • Number of online talks attended - min. two and preferably all
  • Students with no previous mobility experience or no option for mobility in their degree programme are strongly encouraged to apply

Contact information

Zumreta Trocellier, Université Paris Cité: zumreta.trocellier@u-paris.fr

Hannah Marshall, King's College London: hannah.marshall@kcl.ac.uk

Lotte Skovborg, Aarhus University: skovborg@au.dk