Aarhus University Seal

Recruit our students

Reach our career seeking students at various career fairs and events hosted by Aarhus University. Meet students across all fields and experiences.

Spring 2024


Arts CompanyDating, 29 February at the Nobel Canteen.    

Target group: Students at the Faculty of Arts
Participants: Approximately 35 companies and 500 students
Price: Free

Legal Job Fair, Aarhus BSS, Bartholins Allé at the Canteen of Social Sciences (Date TBD)

Target group: Law students
Participants: Approximately 20-25 companies
Price: Free


CompanyConnect, 6 March at the S-building on Fuglesangs Allé (Conducted by Studenterlauget at Aarhus BSS. More info TBA in the autumn of 2023)

Target group: Students at the Faculty of BSS
Participants: Approximately 50 companies and 600-700 students
Price: 12,500 ex. VAT

Internship- and Project Day at Katrinebjerg, Technical Sciences, 10 March at Finlandsgade 22   

Target group: Students of Electronics Engineering, Electronic Energy Technologies Engineering, Software Technology (ICT) Engineering and Health Technology Engineering
Participants: Approximately 40 companies
Price: Free, with a no-show fee of 1,000 DKK


K-Day (Katrinebjerg Career Day), Institute of Computer Science, Natural Sciences on 12 April at Katrinebjerg, building 5335

Target group: All IT students at Aarhus University
Participants: Approximately 800 students and 50 companies
Price: Free for students

PhD Career Day on 25 April at Stakladen

Target group: All PhD students at Aarhus University
Participants: Approximately 200 PhD students & Postdocs and 25 companies
Price: Free

Autumn 2024


GEO-Match for Geoscience and Natural Sciences on 3 November

Target group: Students of Geoscience, Engineering and Physics + companies and academic staff
Participants: Approx. 120 students, 20 academic staff members and 20+ companies, government agencies and institutions
Price: Free

Graduate Programme Night for Aarhus BSS on 21 November at Campus Aarhus BSS

Target group: Future graduates from Aarhus BSS + partner companies with graduate programmes
Participants: Approximately 20 companies and 200 students
Price: DKK 10,000 (per company)