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This year, Aarhus University received 14,213 Quota 2 applications, a slight increase over last year. 2017 also saw a slight increase in first-choice…
Aarhus University is now in the top 100 in 19 subjects – and in the top 50 in six of them.
Humans and zebrafish have more in common than you would think. Therefore, zebrafish are used more and more, for example, to study the function of…
The new framework agreement provides more clarity regarding publication and confidentiality clauses in Science and Technology’s research-based public…
New research, carried out by a team of researchers from Arctic Research Centre, Aarhus University, shows that a very small bird, the little auk…
Poul Nissen, Professor at Aarhus University, is receiving the 2017 Novo Nordisk Prize for his pioneering studies of the structure and function of ion…
The best properties from three well-known grasses will be united in new grass varieties. With significantly enhanced performance and high robustness,…
A new scheme makes it easier for students at Aarhus University to combine their studies with entrepreneurial activities.
Genes from a plant that lures insect pests to their deaths can be used to breed resistant crops.
GIANT study finds rare, influential genetic changes related to height. Research findings in this area may help to develop new types of drugs.
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