Aarhus University Seal

Seeking accommodation

opretenannonce - seeking accomodation

Personal information
Accommodation preferences

Guidelines for filling in the form

  • Heading: Fill in a headline for your announcement
  • Name: Fill in your full name
  • Nationality: Fill in your nationality
  • Position: Fill in your position with the University (post doc, PhD, etc.)
  • Telephone: If you wish to be contacted by telephone, fill in your telephone number here
  • Email: If you wish to be contacted by email, fill in your email address here
  • Other information: Fill in other relevant information, e.g. will your family be living with you, do you have any pets, do you smoke, etc.
  • Accommodation preferences: Describe which kind of accommodation you are looking for, e.g. size, location, number of rooms, etc.
  • Maximum rent: Fill in the maximum amount of money you want to spend on rent
  • Rent period: Fill in your desired rent period with the desired moving in date and moving out date (you can leave out the moving out date but you must fill in the moving in date).

After filling in the form:

Once you have filled in the form, please send it in. The advertisement will be posted as soon as possible. Please note that it may take a couple of days before your announcement is posted, however we will send you an email as soon as it has been posted.

Expiry date of the announcement

Once you have found accommodation please let us know by sending an email to ic-staff-housing@adm.au.dk (please include your name and the heading of your announcement) so that we can remove your announcement from the site.

If we should not hear anything from you, your announcement will expire two weeks after your indicated moving in date.

If you should not have found accommodation at that time and wish to keep your announcement on the site, please send an email to ic-staff-housing@adm.au.dk with a new moving in date and we will extend the duration of your announcement.