Aarhus University Seal

A hub for sport and physical exercise

In connection with development of the university’s physical infrastructure, the plan is to construct a hub for sports and activities in the University Park to promote an active, sustainable and healthy lifestyle on campus.
The purpose of the hub is to improve social life at and around the university and to encourage an active, sustainable and healthy lifestyle on campus.
This will include, for example, multi-purpose areas for ball games, beach volley ball and CrossFit activities. New walking and running paths will tie together the University Park, the University City and Katrinebjerg.

The hub will be located in the University Park’s southwestern corner at the intersection between Kaserneboulevarden and Ny Munkegade.

The establishment of the hub is currently suspended.

Do you have questions?
Birgitte Mørch Folkmann, project manager, Campus Planning and Projects