Aarhus University Seal

Establishing passages under Nørrebrogade

The two new walkways under Nørrebrogade will have a footpath and a bike lane, so both pedestrians and cyclists can move easily and safely between the University Park and the University City.

They will have tiled brick walls and a tiled ceiling with integrated and adaptive (flexible) lighting that follows the rhythm of the sun – so that, during the day, the light in the walkway will match the strength of the light outside. In this way, the walkways will always appear light, both during the day and in the evening, and the smooth transition from outside to inside will create a ‘softer’ experience for pedestrians and cyclists.

Aesthetics have also featured highly in the walkways’ design. The tiling on the pavement, walls and ceiling will be yellow at the University Park end and red at the University City end, with a gradual transition between the two colours inside the walkway.

The northern passage has an entrance at Carl Holst-Knudsens Vej, close to the Social Sciences Canteen in building 1321. In the University City, the entrance is close to the renovated building complex 1870, which the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics moved into in the spring of 2022.
The middle passage will be established in the University Park, close to building 1310, and will open out near the centre of the University City.
The renovated passage in the southern end of the University Park will continue to have an entrance at the Bartholin complex 1240.

Up to 2025, earthwork and paving work will be carried out at the entrances to the passages, including work on stairwells, ramps, walls and lighting. The passages should be ready to use at the same time as the new buildings in the University City.

  • The northern passage was ready by mid-2022.
  • The middle passage is expected to be ready in 2025, which also when Aarhus BSS’ activities at Fuglesangs Allé are expected to be moved to the University City.
  • The plan is to renovate the existing southern passage by Wilhelm Meyers Allé in two stages. In 2023, a terrain adaption will take place in connection with the new square in front of the Bartholin Building once the renovation work for the Department of Biomedicine is completed. The remaining construction work in the park, including reorganisation of the walking paths, new walls, etc., will be carried out in 2025. At the same time, a large square will be established in the University City, after which the passage will be completed.     

Do you have any questions?
Contact Gustaf Lohm, project manager, Campus Planning and Projects & Finn Villadsen, project manager, Campus Planning and Projects