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Aarhus University is to hold a conference on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The conference will bring together key players in our continued…
How far have we come in achieving the UN’s sustainable development goals that we are committed to nationally and internationally? Yes, it can be…
Professor Torben Heick Jensen, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, receives DKK 60 million from the Novo Nordisk…
The academic councils and the senior management team are working together to safeguard freedom of research. In February, a study by the Danish…
Gregers Rom Andersen and Poul Nissen from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, participate in a new three-year EU…
Aarhus as European Capital of Culture has created and strengthened a wide range of collaborations and shown how culture can create a sense of…
The Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) has granted a total of DKK 192 million to the Sapere Aude research leader programme. Seven out of a total…
A new study reveals the kinds of unwanted sexual attention students at Danish universities have been subjected to. Danish universities and the…
The Accreditation Council has awarded Aarhus University a positive institutional accreditation. This provides greater freedom to adjust and create…
An interdisciplinary team of researchers from AU have developed a remote interface to control a quantum gas experiment and are starting to unravel how…
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