Aarhus University Seal

Canteens in Aarhus


Fuglesangs Allé 4
Building 2610
8210 Aarhus V

On Caf'Inns website you can find their opening hours and menu. 

Incuba Katrinebjerg

Åbogade 15 
8200 Aarhus N

Incuba Skejby

Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 82
8200 Aarhus N

Canteen for Psysics and Astronomy

Ny Munkegade 118
Building 1520, 7. floor
8000 Aarhus C

On the canteen website you can find information about their opening hours and menu (in Danish).

Kemisk Kantine

Langelandsgade 140

Building 1510

8000 Aarhus C

On Kemisk Kantines webside you can find contact information for the canteen. 

Det Kgl. Bibliotek canteen

Victor Albecks Vej 1
Building 1360
8000 Aarhus C

On Kgl. Biblioteks Kantines website you can find information about their opening hours and menu. 

Matematisk Kantine

Ny Munkegade 118
Building 1530
8000 Aarhus C

On Matematisk Kantines website you can find information about their opening hours and menu (in Danish).



Moesgård Allé 20
Building 4204
8270 Højbjerg
CVR. 41757825  


Navitas Kantine

Inge Lehmanns Gade 10
8000 Aarhus C

On Navitas Kantine's website you can find information about their opening hours and menu. 

Nobel's Café and Deli

Jens Chr. Skous Vej 2
Building 1481
8000 Aarhus C

See menu on Compass Groups webpage about canteens at AU (in Danish)

Do you need to order refreshments for meetings? Use this link: https://aarhusuniversitet.pronestor.com/ (in Danish)

The Aarhus BSS canteen

Bartholins Allé 8
Building 1321
8000 Aarhus C

See menu on Compass Groups webpage about canteens at AU (in Danish)

Do you need to order refreshments for meetings? Use this link: https://aarhusuniversitet.pronestor.com/ (in Danish)

Kantinen på Institut for Odontologi og Oral Sundhed

Vennelyst Boulevard 8
Building 1614
8000 Aarhus C

See menu on Compass Groups webpage about canteens at AU (in Danish)

Do you need to order refreshments for meetings? Use this link: https://aarhusuniversitet.pronestor.com/ (in Danish)