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Listing all the users in the department 'Alexandra Instituttet A/S'
AUID Name TitleTelephone number Mobile number OrganizationEmail  
412351Jesper Rosleff   Alexandra Instituttet A/Sjesper.rosleff@alexandra.dk 
416953Thomas Spanggaard   Alexandra Instituttet A/Sthomas.spanggaard@alexandra.dk 
419365Inge Haunstrup   Alexandra Instituttet A/Singe.haunstrup@alexandra.dk 
471171Sebastian von Cappelen   Alexandra Instituttet A/Ssebastian.cappelen@alexandra.dk 
476629Rune Wehner   Alexandra Instituttet A/Srune.wehner@alexandra.dk 
491698Alexandre AlapetiteProjektforsker  Alexandra Instituttet A/Salexandre.alapetite@alexandra.dk 
515425Søren Rasmussen   Alexandra Instituttet A/Ssoren.rasmussen@alexandra.dk 
552202Katrine Hommelhoff Jensen   Alexandra Instituttet A/Skatrine.hommelhoff@alexandra.dk 
576873Zaruhi Aslanyan   Alexandra Instituttet A/Szaruhi.aslanyan@alexandra.dk 
583100Sarah Maria Niebe Abel   Alexandra Instituttet A/Ssarah.niebe@alexandra.dk 
608727Harshit Mahapatra   Alexandra Instituttet A/Sharshitmahapatra95@gmail.com 
621766Kristian Tølbøl Rasmussen   Alexandra Instituttet A/Skristian.tolbol@alexandra.dk 
652603Oliver Gyldenberg Hjermitslev   Alexandra Instituttet A/Soliver.gyldenberg@alexandra.dk 
656372Krestina Trane Horup Rasmussen   Alexandra Instituttet A/Skrestina.rasmussen@alexandra.dk 
689199Bob Pepin   Alexandra Instituttet A/S  
465628Kirsten Preem 2149 9108 Alexandra Instituttet A/Skirsten.preem@alexandra.dk 
465617Cédric Giffart 2452 8569 Alexandra Instituttet A/Scedric.giffart@alexandra.dk 

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