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Listing all the users in the department 'AU Forskning - Technology Transfer Office'
AUID Name TitleTelephone number Mobile number OrganizationEmail  
335947Torben Nyby SchmidtJuridisk rådgiver, fuldmægtig2162 47802162 4780AU Forskning - Technology Transfer Officetns@au.dk 
175358Torkil Bukkehave HansenJuridisk rådgiver, specialkonsulent9352 11669352 1166AU Forskning - Technology Transfer Officetbh@au.dk 
238309Vibeke Huus RosenquistJuridisk rådgiver, specialkonsulent2428 69022428 6902AU Forskning - Technology Transfer Officevhr@au.dk 

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  • Aarhus University (main number): +45 8715 0000

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