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Listing all the users in the department 'AU Library, Katrinebjerg'
AUID Name TitleTelephone number Mobile number OrganizationEmail  
233054Anna SlyngborgInformationsspecialist 9135 6453AU Library, Katrinebjergansl@kb.dk 
443410Bodil Spejlborg JørgensenBibliotekar9135 6488 AU Library, Katrinebjergbsjo@kb.dk 
443296Kirsten Marianne KlausenBibliotekar9135 6491 AU Library, Katrinebjergkmkl@kb.dk 
746965Louise Maria JensenStudentermedhjælper  AU Library, Katrinebjerg  
443041Rasmus Thorbjørn NielsenBibliotekar9135 6493 AU Library, Katrinebjergrtni@kb.dk 
204272Tine Legarth IversenBibliotekar9135 6495 AU Library, Katrinebjergtliv@kb.dk 

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