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Listing all the users in the department 'AU Library, Bartholins Allé'
AUID Name TitleTelephone number Mobile number OrganizationEmail  
231397Anders NørregaardInformationsspecialist 9135 6482AU Library, Bartholins Alléandn@kb.dk 
224295Anna Mette MorthorstBibliotekar9135 6460 AU Library, Bartholins Alléammo@kb.dk 
224064Anne Catharine AndersenInformationsspecialist9135 6455 AU Library, Bartholins Alléacan@kb.dk 
10146Anne PedersenInformationsspecialist9135 6456 AU Library, Bartholins Alléannp@kb.dk 
636967Frederik Vig RaskStudentermedhjælper  AU Library, Bartholins Alléfrederik.vig.rask@gmail.com 
277163Gina BayBibliotekar9135 6462 AU Library, Bartholins Allégiba@kb.dk 
223307Helle Vinbæk StenholtInformationsspecialist  AU Library, Bartholins Alléhvst@kb.dk 
665856Henriette ØstergaardStudentermedhjælper  AU Library, Bartholins Alléhstg@kb.dk 
318267Kirsten Krogh KruuseBibliotekar9135 6466 AU Library, Bartholins Allékkkr@kb.dk 
760205Lisa KortegårdBibliotekar  AU Library, Bartholins AlléLiko@kb.dk 
706935Magnus Maury SørensenStudentermedhjælper  AU Library, Bartholins Allé202309391@post.au.dk 
339156Mai Jensen KlærkeInformationsspecialist  AU Library, Bartholins Allémaik@kb.dk 
506582Marianne TindSektionsleder9135 6471 AU Library, Bartholins Allémtkr@kb.dk 
728352Martin Bock SeverinStudentermedhjælper  AU Library, Bartholins Allé202206362@post.au.dk 
335974Martin Hauge ZeunerInformationsspecialist 4188 1652AU Library, Bartholins Allémaha@kb.dk 
102941Mette Ahlers MarinoKontorfunktionær9135 6472 AU Library, Bartholins Allémama@kb.dk 
669846Mie Magdalene MailundStudentermedhjælper  AU Library, Bartholins AlléAu669846@post.au.dk 
482841Nanna ClemanInformationsspecialist 5167 1374AU Library, Bartholins Allénccl@kb.dk 
151192Rita JensenBibliotekar9135 6475 AU Library, Bartholins Allérije@kb.dk 
187410Solveig Sandal JohnsenInformationsspecialist9135 6476 AU Library, Bartholins Alléssjo@kb.dk 

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