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Listing all the users in the department 'Institut for Klinisk Medicin - Interacting Minds Centre (IMC)'
AUID Name TitleTelephone number Mobile number OrganizationEmail  
77914Andreas RoepstorffProfessor 2636 2772Institut for Klinisk Medicin - Interacting Minds Centre (IMC)andreas.roepstorff@aias.au.dk 
251961Arndis Simonsen  2942 5875Institut for Klinisk Medicin - Interacting Minds Centre (IMC)arndis.simonsen@clin.au.dk 
523374Charlotte Tornøe Ekkelund NørholmPh.d.-studerende8716 90258716 9025Institut for Klinisk Medicin - Interacting Minds Centre (IMC)charlotte.norholm@clin.au.dk 
540591Christine Parsons 8716 21278716 2127Institut for Klinisk Medicin - Interacting Minds Centre (IMC)christine.parsons@cas.au.dk 
321523Mette Pedersen Leonard HøegPostdoc  Institut for Klinisk Medicin - Interacting Minds Centre (IMC)mettehoeeg@clin.au.dk 

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