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Listing all the users in the department 'Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Support'
AUID Name TitleTelephone number Mobile number OrganizationEmail  
20755Jens MikkelsenIt-supporter2338 24392338 2439Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supportmikkel@au.dk 
20778Erik JørgensenIT Indkøber8715 31682899 2547Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supporterik@au.dk 
102707Antonio Sylvester VethanayagamIt-koordinator8715 31532899 2505Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supportantonio@au.dk 
167736Mads RasmussenIT supportchef3092 23713092 2371Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supportmads.rasmussen@au.dk 
180495Kristian KlærkeIt-supporter8715 31525144 6009Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supportklaerke@au.dk 
215612Lars Peter Jakobsen  2899 2026Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supportlarsj@au.dk 
220457Anders Steen SørensenIt-supporter8715 31699352 1133Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supportanderssteen@au.dk 
223784Steffen Østergaard RasmussenIT Indkøber8715 3149 Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supportsora@au.dk 
233741Trine Cordtz LarsenIT Supporterelev  Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supporttrine@au.dk 
466861Danny Maikær ChristensenIT Specialist8715 35762434 6561Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supportdanny@au.dk 
471136Bjarne SchouIt-supporter8715 35782184 4220Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supportbjarne@au.dk 
476547Rasmus Nørring Sloth FynboIt-koordinator8715 31642184 4584Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supportrnsp@au.dk 
549533Hans Peder PaulsenIt-supporter8715 31469352 2500Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supportpaulsen@au.dk 
701528Julie Skov Sørensen   Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supportjss@au.dk 
707167Nedim DzankoIt-medarbejder  Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supportnedim@au.dk 
711349Mads Bertram MikkelsenIt-medarbejder  Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supportbertrammads@au.dk 
746952Beathe ChristiansenIT Medarbejder  Administrationscenter Health - Health IT-Supportbech@au.dk 

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