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Listing all the users in the department 'Administrationscenter Aarhus BSS - Aarhus BSS IT-Support, Fuglesangs Allé'
AUID Name TitleTelephone number Mobile number OrganizationEmail  
650548Nicolai BrogaardStudentermedhjælper8715 9105 Administrationscenter Aarhus BSS - Aarhus BSS IT-Support, Fuglesangs Allébroo@au.dk 
643494Frederik Okkels Overgaard ThomsenStudentermedhjælper8715 9154 Administrationscenter Aarhus BSS - Aarhus BSS IT-Support, Fuglesangs Alléfoms@au.dk 
634530Hjalte Aunsbjerg WithStudentermedhjælper8715 9284 Administrationscenter Aarhus BSS - Aarhus BSS IT-Support, Fuglesangs Alléjuns@au.dk 
682910Theis Cordtz SvenningsenStudentermedhjælper8715 9286 Administrationscenter Aarhus BSS - Aarhus BSS IT-Support, Fuglesangs Alléhein@au.dk 
672345Ida Nedergaard GlargaardStudentermedhjælper8715 9287 Administrationscenter Aarhus BSS - Aarhus BSS IT-Support, Fuglesangs Allégaga@au.dk 
662052Thomas JensenStudentermedhjælper8715 9334 Administrationscenter Aarhus BSS - Aarhus BSS IT-Support, Fuglesangs Alléjess@au.dk 
277290Martin ScheldeIt-medarbejder8715 94452217 7353Administrationscenter Aarhus BSS - Aarhus BSS IT-Support, Fuglesangs Allémas@au.dk 

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