Aarhus University Seal

Special needs

What is Eramus+ Inclusion support?

The Erasmus+ office has the opportunity to apply for extra funding through the Erasmus+ programme for students with special needs in the form of physical or mental disability.

What are the guidelines for applying for the grant?

The Danish support schemes are well developed, such as Specialpædagogisk Støtte (SPS) or help under the Social Services Act, and there are good opportunities to take that support abroad.

The guideline for obtaining additional grants from the Erasmus+ programme is that grants can only be obtained to cover needs for which support is provided in accordance with Danish rules, and where the support is not possible to take abroad. Under certain circumstances, grants may be awarded to persons with physical or mental disabilities, even if they do not receive grants from SPS or the Social Services Act, provided that the person's disability after a specific and individual assessment makes the support necessary to complete a stay abroad under the Erasmus + programme. It is possible in special cases to obtain supplementary subsidy in relation to the support that can be taken abroad from Denmark if there are increased expenses in connection with a stay abroad.

Examples of increased expenses related to special needs:

  • special transport

  • adapted accommodation

  • assistance during lectures or at home 

  • medical follow-up 

The amount of the grant will vary depending on the needs and will be based on actual cost. The student will need to make a budget with planned expenses. After ended stay abroad the expenses will need to be documented by receipts. 

Hvad er Erasmus+ Inclusion support?

Erasmus+ kontoret på AU har gennem Erasmus+ programmet mulighed for at søge om ekstra tilskud til studerende med særlige behov i form af fysisk eller psykisk funktionsnedsættelse.

Hvilke retningslinjer er der for ansøgning?

De danske støtteordninger er veludbyggede, såsom Specialpædagogisk Støtte (SPS) eller hjælp efter lov om social service, og der er gode muligheder for at tage den støtte med til udlandet. 

Udgangspunktet for at opnå yderligere tilskud fra Erasmus+ programmet er derfor, at der kun kan opnås tilskud til dækning af behov, hvortil der ydes støtte efter danske regler, men hvor støtten ikke er mulig at medtage til udlandet. I særlige tilfælde vil der kunne gives tilskud til personer med fysisk eller psykisk funktionsnedsættelse, selvom disse ikke opnår tilskud fra SPS eller lov om social service, forudsat at personens funktionsnedsættelse efter en konkret og individuel vurdering gør støtten nødvendig for at gennemføre et udlandsophold under Erasmus+ programmet. Det er desuden muligt i særlige tilfælde at opnå supplerende tilskud i forhold til den støtte, der kan medtages fra Danmark, hvis der er øgede udgifter i forbindelse med et ophold i udlandet.

Eksempler på øgede udgifter forbundet med særlige behov:

  • særlig transport
  • tilpasset bolig
  • medfølgende medhjælper
  • lægebehandling i udlandet

Beløbet der kan ansøges om vil variere afhængigt af behov og vil være baseret på faktiske udgifter. Den studerende vil blive bedt om at lave et budget for forventede udgifter. Efter endt ophold skal udgifterne dokumenteres via kvitteringer. 

Fewer opportunities top-up grant

From the academic year 2023-2024 there will be a new option for a special top-up grant for some students. 

All relevant students will have the option to request this top-up during the the Erasmus+ grant process. 

Would you like to apply for Erasmus+ Inclusion support?

During the Erasmus+ grant process you will automatically have the option to apply for the Fewer opportunities top-up. If you find that this top-up does not cover your expences related to your special need - then you can apply for an extra Inclusion support.

Contact Trine Høj Eriksen if you have questions in relation to applying for Erasmus+ Inclusion support. 

Trine Høj Eriksen

Erasmus+ coordinator
International Centre
M erasmus@au.dk
H bygn. 1650
P +45 9352 1500