Aarhus University Seal

Eramus+ grant size and payment

The rules within the Erasmus+ programme determine the size of grants.

The size of your grant
The grant amount will be individual, depending on 1) your destination 2) the length of your stay 3) travelling/transportation.

1) Fixed rates depend on which country you are going to (high/low living costs). The rates vary from year to year.

2) The mobility period is the length of your stay at your host institution and may include a language course, introduction activities, teaching and exams. A reexamination period is not counted in the mobility period. Be aware that you are only eligible for the Erasmus+ grant for the period with physical presence at your host destination. Online teaching and online activities are considered equal to physical mobility, as long as you are physically present at the host destination within your mobility period.

3) Part of the grant is for travel. The size depends on how many kilometers you have from your home institution (AU) to your host institution. Students who choose to travel green will get a higher grant.

Your grant amount will be stated in your Grant agreement. 

Maximum length of grant period
At Aarhus University there is a maximum number of days for which you can receive the Erasmus+ grant. 

  • If abroad 2 semesters/1 academic year: all students can receive the grant for a maximum of 300 days including language course and/or introduction activity. If the stay is longer than 300 days the remaining days will be considered non-funded. 
  • If abroad 1 semester: all students can receive the grant for a maximum of 180 days including language course and/or introduction activity. If the stay is longer than 180 days the remaining days will be considered non-funded. 

Planned dates versus Actual dates
When allocating the grant, we work with the Planned dates (the expected mobility period). Planned start and end date is entered by you when answering our questionnaire. When your stay abroad has ended, we know your actual start and end date (from your confirmation of arrival/departure).  

Your Erasmus+ grant amount will be adjusted (decreased) after your study abroad if your mobility period abroad turns out to be shorter than expected. The grant will be adjusted corresponding to the number of days you are eligible to receive the grant, and thus the final grant amount you receive in total might be less than the grant amount stated in your Grant agreement. 

Payment of your grant
You will receive the grant in two payments.

The grant will automatically be deposited to your Danish NemKonto (Easy Account), which is connected with your Danish CPR number. In case you have informed us of another bank account (no Danish CPR/Nemkonto), your grant will be transferred to this account. You will be asked to fill in a questionnaire about banking details when we are handling your grant. 

1st payment
The first payment (70%) is transferred to you at the beginning of the mobility period. You can see the payment day of your first payment in your Grant Agreement.

2nd payment
The second payment (up to 30%) is transferred to you after your mobility period, when all the required documention you submitted has been approved by the Erasmus+ office. Please allow some time for us to check your submitted documentation. You will be contacted if more information is needed. You will receive an email when all your documentation has been approved. And you will receive an email with information about the amount and payment date of the 2nd payment of your Erasmus+ grant.

Keep receipts
We advise you to keep receipts (scans/pictures are ok) for your expenses related to your exchange (fx. travel to/from the destination, housing, local transportation, books). This can be useful for Tax authorities or in case of force majeure interruption of your stay. Your grant will be reported to SKAT as a tax-free grant, but SKAT can ask you for documentation. 

Example for Humboldt Universität, Spring 2025
Germany grant rate (550 Euro per 30 days)

Sara is travelling Green.

March 15, Sara arrives in Germany. She has 2 weeks holiday to get settled in before beginning her German language course. 

April 1, Sara begins her 1 week language course at Humboldt. She gets her Confirmation of arrival signed by Humboldt. 

April 8, Sara has the first day of studies with introduction activities

July 15, Sara has the last day of teaching

July 20 - August 7, Sara completes her exams. She gets her Confirmation of departure signed at the end of her exams. 

August 15 - 30, period of reexaminitions (not relevant for Sara)

August 20, Sara leaves Germany

Sara will be eligible for the Erasmus+ grant for the period:

Arpil 1 - August 7 (study activity with physial presence). 

Erasmus+ grant in total = Euro 2.613 (DKK 19.470)

Allocation criteria if funding is low

If Aarhus University anticipates that there will not be enough funding for all Erasmus+ students for the full mobility period, this is the criteria for allocating the grants: 

  • students who have previously received the grant will not receive the grant again
  • students going to the UK, Japan, USA, or China will not receive the grant
  • students going to their home country will not receive the grant (this rule will apply from the academic year 2025-2026)
  • further criteria might apply in case there is an unexpected lack of funding