Aarhus University Seal

Going home before planned

Before allocating you the Erasmus+ grant, you will be asked about your planned start and end date. The size of your grant is based on this period. 

If your stay ends earlier than expected
Perhaps your exams ended earlier than you expected. If your mobility period turned out to be shorter than expected your grant will be adjusted with the 2nd payment, corresponding to the number of days you are eligible to receive the grant. This is a normal situation. Besides submitting the required documentation, you will need to do nothing further. 

If you physically leave your host destination before finishing your studies
If you are not in your host country during your studies, the stay abroad is considered interrupted. You are only eligible for the Erasmus+ grant when doing physical mobility (online activities in your host country are ok). In other words, you need to be present in the host country to receive the Erasmus+ grant. You will need to nofify us if you leave your host country before ending your studies. 

In the case of force majeure
If you interrupt your stay (without ending your studies abroad) due to covid-19, sickness or other force majeure reason, it is important that you notify us as soon as possible. A disruption will affect how we can handle your Erasmus+ grant.

We will do our best to help you financially to avoid a total repayment of the grant. We advice you to keep your receipts from housing, transport, and other expences related to your stay abroad. 

Studies ending earlier than planned (scenario 1)
Sara was allocated a grant for the period February 15 - August 8 (174 days). The stay turned out to be shorter than expected. Sara had her last exam on August 1, which is stated on her Confirmation of departure. The 2nd payment of Sara's grant will be adjusted corresponding to 163 days.

Going home before ended studies (scenario 2)
Sara decided to leave her host destination and go home to finish the exams online. There was no emergency or any force majeure reason. This is considered an interrupted stay. Sara informs the Erasmus+ office as soon as possible. A partial repayment of the grant might be needed. 

Force majeure (scenario 3)
Sara experienced some health problems during her stay. As a result, she had to cancel her studies after six weeks, and she went home. Sara informs the Erasmus+ office as soon as possible. The situation will be assessed and handled according to the rules of Erasmus+ force majeure.