Aarhus University Seal


Four AU researchers win funding for sustainability research

The Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) has awarded grants totalling DKK 105m to 37 research projects to support the green transition. Four of the grant recipients are researchers from Aarhus University, each of whom has received approx. DKK 2.8m to realise their projects.

Photo of a person riding a bike through a landscape
Four researchers from AU have won millions in green funding from the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The money will support climate-friendly projects. Photo: Lars Kruse

This coverage is based on a press release from the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

Four early career researchers from Aarhus University have won grants from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for research projects to support the green transition: from research into carbon capture and storage technologies and cooling technologies that rely on magnetism rather than environmental pollutants such as fluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons to increasing environmental literacy through new approaches to teaching Danish literature.

The four research projects and 33 others have been selected as the most innovative, promising ideas among 337 applications for the Independent Research Fund Denmark’s Green Transition grants.

Maja Horst, chair of the DFF Board, has this to say about the grants:

"Green research is more important than ever if society is to meet our green ambitions. That's why it makes me both confident and proud to see that so many of Denmark's talented researchers have submitted relevant and potentially groundbreaking ideas."

The DKK 105 million in funding awarded by DFF to green research comes from the government’s research reserve funds in 2022; DFF was tasked with allocating funding earmarked by the government to the theme of ‘Green research’. DFF has placed a high priority on providing support for researchers' own initiatives within green research, and the fund supports  projects within and across all disciplines.

Press release from the Independent Research Fund Denmark.