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Eleven AU researchers receive Sapere Aude research group leader grants

The Independent Research Fund Denmark has awarded DKK 68 mil. to eleven talented researchers at Aarhus University. The grants support the researchers in managing their own research groups.

This coverage is based on a press release from the Independent Research Fund Denmark

Eleven early career researchers at Aarhus University, each with their own Sapere Aude grant of approx. DKK 6 mil., can now pursue their best ideas while establishing their own research groups.

The Sapere Aude grants that the Independent Research Fund Denmark (IRFD) awards talented early career researchers are also intended to encourage researchers to cultivate their international network in order to strengthen research for the benefit of everyone.

At Aarhus University, the following researchers have received Sapere Aude grants:

Mahdi Abkar

Zongsu Wei

Diego Abalos

Mario Martinez-Martinez

Chris Schwiegelshohn

Thomas Aagaard Rasmussen

Philip Francis Thomsen

Emmanuel Arthur

Davide Mottin

Zeynep Yilmaz

Graham Butler

All eleven AU researchers – and the 31 researchers from other universities – were selected through an extremely thorough assessment process in the IRFD’s academic research council and by international experts.

The IRFD received 404 applications. 125 applications were from female researchers, and 12 of these received a Sapere Aude grant. This corresponds to a success rate of 10 per cent. For male applicants the success rate is 11 per cent, with 279 applications and 30 grants.

In total, DKK 254 mil. have been awarded to 42 research projects.

Read the press release from the Independent Research Fund Denmark.