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Aarhus University appoints four honorary doctors

Individualised radiation therapy, acoustic underwater communication, and human influence on the planet’s ecosystems. Aarhus University’s four new honorary doctors work in a wide variety of fields and will receive their honorary degrees on the occasion of Aarhus University’s annual celebration on 9 September.

Aarhus University’s five honorary doctors 2022. From left to right: Professor Anna Tsing (Arts), Professor Jeffrey Smith (Aarhus BSS), Professor Michael Baumann (Health) and Professor Milica Stojanovic (TECH)

Article updated Monday 5 September.

Aarhus University’s annual celebration, which marks the anniversary of the university’s founding, will take place this year on Friday 9 September. To mark the university’s anniversary, each year AU appoints honorary doctors. The honorary doctorates are conferred on eminent researchers from other research  institutions with whom Aarhus University has a history of collaboration. The title recognises the recipient’s close connection to the university.

The 2022 honorary doctors are:

Anna Tsing, professor of anthropology (Faculty of Arts)
If we can talk of superstars within international anthropology, Professor Anna Tsing from the University of California is surely one of them. Her work investigates one of the most important questions of our time: how people can change the planet’s environment, atmosphere and ecosystems.

Read more about Professor Anna Tsing

Jeffrey Smith, professor of economics (Aarhus BSS)
Professor Jeffrey Smith from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, is one of the world’s leading researchers in econometrics. His research has provided valuable insight into how initiatives to increase employment work.

Read more about Professor Jeffrey Smith

Michael Baumann, professor of medicine (Faculty of Health)
Professor Michael Baumann is director of the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, Europe’s largest cancer research institute. He has played a vital role in developing individualised radiation therapy, which adapts cancer treatment to the individual patient.

Read more about Professor Michael Baumann

Milica Stojanovic, professor of electrical engineering (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Faculty of Technical Sciences)
Professor Milica Stojanovic from Northeastern University, USA, is one ofthe world’s leading experts in acoustic underwater communication. Her research has made it possible to transfer data at high speed under water, so that submersible vessels can coordinate and send information.

Read more about Professor Milica Stojanovic
Read more about Aarhus University’s honorary doctors