Aarhus University Seal

Young researchers will discuss scientific communication

The annual PhD Day at Health, the main academic area for the health sciences at Aarhus University, will debate communication.

If society and the public are to engage with research, then scientists and researchers must be able to communicate their research in an understandable manner. But how do you find your way into the papers without compromising your objectivity and impartiality? That is the theme for the PhD Day on 24 January at Health, Aarhus University. This is where the PhD students from the main academic area for the health sciences gather to network, share experiences and get to know each other’s fields of research. The theme for the day is highly topical, says the head of the PhD degree programme at Health, Vice-Dean Lise Wogensen:

“What drives a researcher is the desire to make a difference. When you can see that your research is of importance to people outside the world of research, then you should tell them about it in a credible manner. The general public, who fund the research, should see and hear that their money is being well spent,” says Lise Wogensen.

To get the debate going, the following people have been invited: medical doctor, brain researcher, author and TV personality Peter Lund Madsen, Managing Director of the newspaper Information Mette Davidsen-Nielsen, Professor at Aarhus University Lars Østergaard, and Professor Leiv Sydnes from the University of Bergen.

The graduate school of Health, AU is one of the largest in Denmark with approximately 650 enrolled PhD students. During the day some of the PhD students will participate with a presentation of their research project, either as a poster or an oral presentation.

The PhD Day is an annual opportunity for the PhD students to show the results of their research and test their ability to deliver a presentation and communicate.

The programme:


Direct link to the PhD students’ abstracts:


Twitter #auphdday


Further information

Vice-Dean Lise Wogensen
Aarhus University, Health
Direct tel.: +45 2548 8522