Aarhus University Seal

Yellow banner will help you spot phishing emails

Please notice: On 25 March, it was decided to remove the yellow banner. As of Tuesday 23 March, emails from external senders will be marked with a yellow banner to remind you to be extra vigilant about possible phishing attempts.


Phishing is currently the most common form of cybercrime in Denmark. We see the same trend in the incidents that are reported to AU IT. Unfortunately, cyber criminals are becoming more and more creative and refined in their methods, and it is not always easy to spot a phishing email.

Therefore, on Tuesday 23 March, AU IT is introducing a new tool that will improve security and make it easier for you to remember to check for phishing. In future, you will notice that all emails from external senders are marked with a yellow banner.

Phishing emails are often ‘disguised’ as internal emails in which the sender makes it look like the email was sent by, for example, your manager or the IT department. The yellow banner will reveal that the person, who is pretending to be an internal sender, is actually someone else.

The yellow banner does not necessarily mean that the email is a phishing email, but the banner is there to remind you to be extra vigilant in order to avoid cybercrime. 

Tips for spotting a phishing email
Scammers will often try to make you share personal information, reveal passwords, open attached files or click on links. If you hover the cursor over a link, you can see where the link will actually take you. You can also hover your cursor over a sender’s name to see the email address.

At https://au.dk/phishing , you can read more about how to spot a phishing email and what to do if you accidentally share your information.

Did you know that… 
64% of all Danes have experienced phishing attempts? If you want to know more about cybercrime in Denmark, you can read this report from the Danish Agency for Digitisation on information security from December 2020