Welcome to Thomas Willnow who is new Affiliated Researcher at DANDRITE
Thomas Willnow is new Affiliated Researcher at DANDRITE. Below Thomas puts some words on the research of his group.

"Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of age-related dementia affecting millions of patients. Unexpectedly, disorders of the metabolism, such as obesity and diabetes, now emerge as major risk factors for progression of AD. This fact is disturbing as it causally links two disease entities, metabolic imbalance and neurodegeneration that are rampant in societies around the globe. In our studies, we combine mass spectrometry-based metabolomics with functional investigations in transgenic mouse models and in AD patients to elucidate how metabolites control brain development and function and why disturbances in energy balance cause neurodegeneration. Conceptually, these studies address fundamental principles in brain pathophysiology and they establish novel therapeutic concepts to combat age-related dementia; a devastating disorder that threatens the quality of life and burdens our healthcare systems."
You can find and read more about Willnow group and its research here