Aarhus University Seal

Vote in the university elections today

Exercise your right to vote and influence which candidates will become members of your local board of studies, academic council, PhD committee and the AU Board. You can cast your vote starting now, and the polls will remain open until Thursday 15 November at 16:00.

Which of your fellow students should be part of the AU board? And who should be on your board of studies and make decisions that affect your degree programme? These are some of the things you can influence when you vote in this year’s university election. This year, students can vote for representatives to the AU Board, the academic councils and the boards of studies. PhD students can also vote for representatives to the PhD committees.

Find your candidate in the list on the election website.

How to vote

You can vote electronically during the election period from 12 November at 9:00 to 15 November at 16:00. Start by logging on to Self-service (mit.au.dk). The election results will be announced on Monday 19 November at au.dk/valg.

Click here to vote

They make a difference

The various councils, boards and committees discuss important topics. The boards of studies, for example, draft academic regulations, ensure follow-up on teaching evaluations and approve exam schedules. On the agenda at the AU Board meetings are issues such as AU’s budget and strategy as well as general development trends in education policy.

Read more about the various councils, boards and committees on the election website.

Video: Listen to former vice-chair of the PhD Committee at Aarhus BSS and chair of Phabuss, Mathilde Ceccchini explain what the PhD committees at Aarhus University do, and how you can influence your working conditions at the local level by getting involved in university politics.

Want to find out more?

  • Read more about the election at au.dk/valg
  • If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact the Election Secretariat at valg@au.dk or 8715 3325.