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VIDEO: Meet the three Fogh-Nielsen finalists

The PhD Day 2017 begins with a researcher fight over the Fogh-Nielsen scholarship. This year, the battle is between three PhD students from Biomedicine. Get a preview of the three finalists and their research.

A total of DKK 125,000 will be shared among this year's selected PhD students, all of whom are recipients of The Fogh-Nielsen Legacy scholarship. Their performance on stage at the PhD Day on 27 January determines how the money is shared. The immune system and the biological cycle are focal points for Junjing Su, Morten Nørgaard Andersen and Maria Primo, all PhD students at The Department of Biomedicine at AU.

 Junjing Su is PhD at Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University. Repicient of Fogh-Nielsen Legacy 2017.



Morten Nørgaard Andersen is PhD at Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University. Repicient of Fogh-Nielsen Legacy 2017. 


Maria do Nascimento Lopes Primo is PhD at Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University. Repicient of Fogh-Nielsen Legacy 2017.  

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