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Three talents from Aarhus University share prestigious research scholarship

Three PhD students from Health at Aarhus University share the sought-after Fogh-Nielsen scholarship. The scholarship totals DKK 125,000 and is awarded to outstanding PhD researchers.

With their research projects within fields covering depression, breast cancer and inflammation, three of Health’s most talented researchers were chosen to compete in a researcher battle at the faculty’s annual PhD Day, which was held on Friday 25 January.

Each of the candidates were given ten minutes to present their research project in front of around four hundred colleagues from the whole faculty who attended the event. Based on the presentations, a panel of judges decided who should win the largest portion of the scholarship’s DKK 125,000.  

The largest portion of the scholarship – DKK 75,000 – went to Mette Lise Lousdal, PhD student at the Department of Public Health. She receives the scholarship for her research into the effect of breast cancer screening – the so-called mammography screening.


DKK 25,000 goes to Ole Köhler-Forsberg, PhD student at the Department of Clinical Medicine, who is investigating whether the immune system plays a role in the development and treatment of depression.

Anne Louise Hansen, who is a PhD student at the Department of Biomedicine, also receives DKK 25,000 for her research into how a special group of fats can dampen severe inflammatory conditions in the body.

The scholarship must be used for research purposes and is intended to support projects involving new studies which build on research results achieved during the researchers PhD degree programmes.

Watch the videos of the three talented researchers as they present their research projects in sixty seconds.

PhD student Mette Lise Lousdal
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health
Tel.: (+45) 8716 7997
Email: lousdal@ph.au.dk

PhD student Ole Köhler-Forsberg
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine – Psychoses Research Unit
Email: olekoehler@clin.au.dk

PhD student Anne Louise Hansen
Aarhus University, Department of Biomedicine
Email: annelouisehansen@biomed.au.dk