Aarhus University Seal


Professor Jacob Fog Bentzon, Department of Clinical Medicine, Professor Rune Slothuus, Department of Political Science, and Associate Professor Thomas Poulsen, Department of Chemistry, have all just received one of the coveted ERC Consolidator Grants 2019.

The ERC (European Research Council) just awarded the Consolidator Grants 2019 to promising research talents and research leaders all over Europe, including three top researchers from Aarhus University:

In the Life Sciences category, Professor Jacob Fog Bentzon, Department of Clinical Medicine, received DKK 15 million for a ground-breaking research project about atherosclerosis – one of the most frequent causes of death in the world.

In the Social Sciences and Humanities category, Professor Rune Slothuus, Department of Political Science, received DKK 15 million to explore whether political parties can help citizens form political opinions on a more informed basis. 

In the Physical Sciences and Engineering category, Associate Professor Thomas Poulsen, Department of Chemistry, received DKK 15 million for his Recypion project to examine a class of naturally occurring molecules called polyether ionophores. 

Consolidator Grants (CoG) are awarded to researchers with between 7 and 12 years of experience since completing their PhD. Up to EUR 2 million is awarded for groundbreaking research projects over a five-year period. This time, a total of 301 researchers have received a total of EUR 600 million.

Researchers who want to apply for next year’s round of ERC Consolidator Grants must apply before 4 February 2020.