Aarhus University Seal

Thirteen researchers from Health receive a total of DKK 34 million from the Danish Council for Independent Research

The grants provide the researchers with the chance to pursue original ideas ranging from research into the micro-environment of the intestine to an understanding of the body's circulatory system.

The Danish Council for Independent Research has awarded grants totalling more than half a billion Danish kroner to some of Denmark's leading researchers. Eleven researchers from Health at Aarhus University have received grants totalling DKK 33,958,582.

In a press release, chair of the Danish Council for Independent Research Peter Munk Christiansen writes:

"One characteristic of the projects that we are investing in is that the researchers have a deeply rooted social responsibility and are very inventive. This applies to the utilisation of the technological possibilities, so that we put the very newest ideas and breakthroughs to work in the research environments themselves."

Read more about the grants on the Danish Council for Independent Research website (in Danish only).