Aarhus University Seal

The results of the university elections 2017

See the results of this year’s university elections in which members of academic staff could vote for representatives to the boards of studies and PhD committees. In addition, the students at AU could cast their votes for new student representatives on the AU Board, the academic councils and the boards of studies, while PhD students could elect new representatives for AU’s PhD committees.

New student representative on AU Board
The student representatives on the AU Board will again be Sune Koch Rønnow from Studenterrådets Spidskandidater and Line Dam Westengaard – also from Studenterrådets Spidskandidater. Line will be replacing Lieve Vermeulen and will take up office on 1 February 2018.

Impressive two  percentage points increase in turnout 
The overall turnout for this year’s election was 20.03 per cent. This represents an increase of almost two percentage points compared to the election in 2014 (turnout: 18.07 per cent) in which it was also possible for students as well as members of academic staff to vote. This increase is largely attributable to student commitment and support as well as university-wide communication initiatives throughout the election process. In total, there were 23 contested elections – i.e. elections in which it was possible to vote for different candidates – 121 uncontested elections and 25 cancelled elections.

Additional information
Read more about the election at www.au.dk/valg or contact the Election Secretariat at  valg@au.dk.