Aarhus University Seal

The new student members of the AU Board have been found

The students Sune Koch Rønnow and Lieve Vermeulen were elected for the AU Board.

In the university elections 2016, the students Sune Koch Rønnow from Studenterrådets Spidskandidater (the Student Council list) and Line Dam Westengaard from Artsrådet (the Arts Council list) were elected for the AU Board.

Subsequently, all five candidates from the list Artsrådet have informed the Election Secretariat in writing that they do not wish to accept the election. They have entered into a list pact with the lists Studenterrådets Spidskandidater and MFSR (Math/Phys Student Council).

This means that Lieve Vermeulen from Studenterrådets Spidskandidater will be the second student member on the board and not Line Dam Westengaard from Artsrådet.

Further information

Read more about the election on au.dk/en/election