Aarhus University Seal

Summer newsletter 75, June 2017

Read the last newsletter before the holidays.

Summer Newsletter 75 from June 2017


The rector visits the the department on 9. October at. 9:30 - 11

The meeting will consist of a brief introduction from Rector, followed by dialogue on topics that the employees want to discuss. We will later communicate the location.


Construction projects - revised schedule, but planning of moving continues unchanged

Unfortunately, there are still problems in completing the Skou building. The best bid for relocation startup is now: February 2018.


Virtual tours from the Skou building

A new video has been added to youtube. Note that you can zoom in and out and see 360 ??degrees if you use Google Chrome browser. See more here:


The Staff Dialogue (MUS) Round 2017 must be documented in AUHRA

The MUS Round 2017 will be launched in August, where group leaders are invited to MUS. They then have to hold MUS with their own groups. It will be a bit different this time, as the departmental management after discussions in the cooperation committee (LSU) has decided that MUS must be documented in the IT system AUHRA. All managers and staff at the department will receive an email with username and password within a few weeks. The leader who holds a MUS conversation must establish the meeting in AUHRA, the employee must enter the agreements made on the MUS conversation and then the manager must approve the agreements entered. Read more here: http://medarbejdere.au.dk/administration/hr/kompetenceudvikling/mus/ 

Here is a guide to MUS with AUHRA for both managers and employees. The institution secretariat ensures that every employee is connected to the primary general manager of the system. If you find that you have been linked to the wrong leader, please contact annimh@biomed.au.dk. The reason to using AUHRA is that many of the staff members have indicated that they have not been offered a MUS conversation. That is not acceptable. When AUHRA is taken into operation, management can monitor whether MUS has been held. What agreements entered into between managers and employees will only be visible to the manager and employee.


Evacuation exercise

There was great support for the evacuation exercises Tuesday, June 20th, and we therefore got a good idea of ??our preparedness. Unfortunately, for the 2nd consecutive year, the animal facility in the 1160 complex was not evacuated (and there are no warning systems in the building). It is now being discussed with Bygningsservice, which measures can ensure that the animal facility is also evacuated if a fire or similar occurs. 


Large number of work injuries in 1 quarter 2017 - here is where to insert

The Department has had an abnormally high number of occupational injuries in the first quarter of 2017 - actually 1/3 of all reported work injuries at AU. Fortunately, it is all minor injuries, which have initially not lead to sick leave. Likewise, it is small numbers to draw conclusions. Several of the injuries are considered to be due to insufficient instruction and / or lack of experience. In this context, it should be mentioned that prices for technical assistance in animal facilities have been reduced, making it more affordable to buy help. Living animals and needles are a combination that requires exercise if both animals and students - and other inexperienced staff - must avoid damage.


A new part-time fundraiser at the department

André Walter works at the Institute 1.5 days a week, and assists with quality assurance of applications. Please remember that all applications over 1 million DKr and also the budgets have to be approved by me.


Composition of institute forum after re-election

See here: http://biomed.medarbejdere.au.dk/organisation/ where there are agendas and minutes.



Throughout the summer, several members from the departmental management are available. Contact Anni at annimh@biomed.au.dk


New website on where to find help to get on with EU projects

There are 2 new websites on EU counseling and funding. The goal is to make it even easier for companies, researchers and other stakeholders to find EU counseling and to seek and manage projects financed by the Horizon 2020 program. More info: Danske virksomheder og forskere får nemmere adgang til rådgivning om EU-finansiering;


Three new communication courses for PhD students

PhD students who want to learn to disseminate their research to a broader audience can now sign up for three new courses - "Learn to disseminate your PhD project", "Press course and media training" and "Research dissemination on video. " The courses (full day) will be held in September, they can be taken together or you can do it with a single and they are free. The courses are ECTS-awarding, taught in Danish, and the course registration has just been opened - application deadline 4 September.



Aarhus University invites proposals for: Honorary Doctorate Degree 2018

Researchers at a high international level, who have been important guest research researchers or through international research collaboration, can be set aside for the research and learning environment. Further information: http://www.au.dk/om/profil/historie/haedersbevisninger/aeresdoktorer-proklameret-af-aarhus-universitet/. The proposal must be written in Danish or English and may not exceed 5 pages (reason, CV and short publication list). The internal deadline of the faculty is 15 August 2017.


L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women In Science Awards 2017

The prize is 110,000 kroner and is given to female researchers under 40 years. The deadline for submission is 15 August. 


Recycling - glass, plastic, metal, batteries, paper and cardboard

New containers will be installed in all buildings in the long run. We hope everyone will back up the new schemes for the benefit of the environment. Questions can be directed to: Daniel Ejsing Mobile 93508724 Email: ejsing@au.dk


Innovation PhDs

There are project opportunities within both Public Business PhDs and Business Postdoc. There are allocated 10 million. DKK 2017. There is deadline for applications on 9 October 2017 at. 12. See more here:




Information meeting from the Research Council at AU

28 August 2017 at 9-11

Meeting Room 2, Conference Center, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 4


News from Forensic Medicine: a Bioanalytic core facility

See more here: http://health.medarbejdere.au.dk/#news-10934


News from Academic Council

Minutes of meeting on 18 May can be seen here:



News from from FSU

Minutes of meeting on May 19 can be seen here:



Good summer to all.


Yours sincerely

Thomas G. Jensen