Aarhus University Seal

Student congress helps aspiring researchers on their way

AU’s Society for Medical Student Research is again holding its annual congress for all medical students in Denmark. The congress gives the students a foretaste of scientific presentations in the research environment.

The Society for Medical Student Research holds the “Congress for Medical Student Research 2014” between 14-16 March 2014 at the Sandbjerg Estate. This will be the sixth time that the event is held.

At the congress student researchers present their project to the other participants, either in the form of a poster or a brief lecture.

“The congress gives all pre-graduate researchers the opportunity to try-out a presentation of their research in a serious academic forum. The congress thus helps to support and create a good framework for medical student research in Denmark,” says Sidsel Støy, chairman of the Society for Medical Student Research.

“The congress is, of course, also an opportunity to network with other students who have the same research interests as yourself, and to let yourself be inspired by other areas of research.”

More student researchers

A record number of students have registered for the congress this year. More than 100 students from the four Danish degree programmes in medicine are participating in the event. Sidsel Støy is pleased that there is a general increase in the focus on medical student research in Denmark. 

In addition to the research presentations there will also be a panel debate entitled “The future for young researchers”. Participants include Dean Allan Flyvbjerg, department head Kristjar Skajaa and representatives from the universities in Aalborg and Copenhagen.

Read more

Read more about the congress on the society’s website (link tohttp://studenterforskning.dk/studenterkongres/)

Read about the society’s tenth anniversary (link to http://health.medarbejdere.au.dk/aktuelt/nyheder/nyhed/artikel/studenterforskning-fejrer-10-aars-jubilaeum/)

Further information

Sidsel Støy, chairman of the Society for Medical Student Research
Aarhus University

+45 6166 4565