Spread your joy for researh
"Selskab for Medicinsk Studenterforskning" (SMS) is looking for Research Year Students and PhD students who want to become a part of a "researcher database"

SMS is working on the establishment of a "researcher database" containing researchers in the start of their research career (research year/PhD students).
The database will be available on SMS's website making it possible for students to find researchers within their field of interest and contact them with the intention of "becoming an intern" for a day.
The purpose is to make it easier for research interested medical students to gain insight into the daily life of a researcher.
You do not commit to having a certain amount of student visits and you can always be removed from the list.
If you want to represent the research at Aarhus University/Aarhus University Hospital, please write or call committee member Kasper Munch Lauridsen (kml@biomed.au.dk or 40172807)
To learn more about SMS, please visit their website: http://studenterforskning.dk