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Researcher receives DKK ten million towards research into elderly care in Ghana

Associate Professor Ulrika Enemark from Aarhus University’s Department of Public Health receives a little over DKK ten million from Danida towards a research project that will provide new knowledge about the needs and potential for the development of health care for elderly people in lower-middle income countries such as Ghana.

Ghana's growing elderly population is not receiving the treatment, rehabilitation and care that it needs. At present, either the close family or the unregulated and rapidly expanding private care sector are providing care for the country's elderly population. This is not a sustainable situation.

Ulrika Enemark and her research colleagues are looking into how the care sector can be developed, organised and financed. Their worked is grounded in a hypothesis that society in Ghana is better off with regulation and a care sector that is partly collectively financed. 

The project headed by Ulrika Enemark has received DKK 10.3 million in support from Danida’s development funding. In the long term, this may be important for girls and women who are prevented from taking an education or taking part in the labour market because of unpaid care work, and also for the elderly themselves who will experience improved health and quality of life through a more professionalised service, while the care sector for the elderly will experience increased growth and more jobs.

Ulrika Enemark is using the Danida funding to employ four PhD students and four postdocs on the project, and also to secure partial workload reduction for research colleagues in Ghana and Nairobi.


Associate Professor Ulrika Enemark
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health
Tel.: (+45) 8716 8549
Email: ue@ph.au.dk