Representatives for AU’s occupational health and safety organisation have been found
The election to the occupational health and safety organisation at AU is over. There are both new and experienced candidates among the 213 occupational health and safety representatives who have committed themselves to making an extra effort for a good work environment at AU during the next three years.
213 employees have just been elected or re-elected as occupational health and safety representatives. On 1 March, they will join occupational health and safety groups and committees in departments/schools, centres, administrative divisions and committees at the faculties and in the administration. During the next three years, the representatives will work to prevent work environment problems and to develop the good working life at AU in collaboration with the local managers.
Most of the elections were uncontested elections. Brian Bech Nielsen, rector and chair of the Main Occupational Health and Safety Committee (HAMU), points out that 67 per cent of the elected occupational health and safety representatives are candidates who decided to run again.
“That two out of three want to continue this work for three more years shows me that we have an occupational health and safety organisation at Aarhus University that is characterised by ongoing commitment and great interest in improving and maintaining a good work environment. I look forward to continuing the important work and to welcoming both newly elected and re-elected representatives,” says the rector.
He adds that it will also be an important task for the occupational health and safety representatives to be aware of the special needs that will arise when the employees are back on campus again after long periods of working from home.
In addition to the ongoing work to prevent and deal with local work environment issues, there are also a number of strategic areas that will be in focus during the years to come, e.g. a good workplace culture, gender equality and dealing with harassment, sexism and bullying. The occupational health and safety organisation will also play a key role in the workplace assessment that AU will carry out in 2022.
The many occupational health and safety committees at AU will be established at meetings in the near future. Newly elected occupational health and safety representatives and newly appointed managers will also complete an occupational health and safety training programme during the next few months.
Facts about the occupational health and safety election 2021
- More than 402 active members (managers and occupational health and safety representatives) are part of the occupational health and safety organisation.
- Occupational health and safety representatives have been elected and managers have been appointed to 129 occupational health and safety groups (AMG).
- Occupational health and safety representatives have been elected and managers have been appointed to 39 local occupational health and safety committees (LAMU) at departments/schools, centres and administrative divisions.
- 27 occupational health and safety representatives have been elected and 26 managers have been appointed to the six occupational health and safety committees at the faculties and in the administration (FAMU/AAMU).
- The Main Occupational Health and Safety Committee at Aarhus University comprises a total of 10 occupational health and safety representatives and managers. The managers are appointed by the deans and the university director. The occupational health and safety representatives are elected by and from among their occupational health and safety colleagues in FAMU and AAMU.
Additional information
- Learn more about AU’s occupational health and safety organisation
- If you have any questions, please contact Martin Keis Kristensen,, 9350 8557.