Aarhus University Seal

RejsUd – the new travel expense management system replacing AURUS

On 21 August, Aarhus University will switch to a new travel expense management system, RejsUd. The new system can automatically calculate distances using Google Maps and can be accessed from both mobile phones and tablets. All unfinished travel expense claims in AURUS must as far as possible be processed before the summer holidays.

Rejsud is a travel expense management system which has a number of the features users felt that AURUS lacked. In addition to processing outlays, business travel in private vehicles, travel expenses, etc., all of which you could also handle in AURUS, RejsUd has additional features, for example calculating distances using Google Maps. RejsUd words on mobile phones and tablets so that you can do your travel expense reports on the go. For example, you can take a photo of your receipts with your mobile phone and register your expenses immediately. Administratively speaking, RejsUd is integrated into IndFak, which is also an advantage. 

However, because of the rules in the state sector travel circular and AU’s own rules, you will still need to register various information and upload attachments/receipts in connection with travel expense settlement.

The new RejsUd system was chosen by the Agency for the Modernisation of Public Administration after the state sector travel and expense settlement system was put out to tender. RejsUd is also in the process of implementation at the University of Copenhagen, and the system is currently in use at 85 state sector institutions under the Agency for the Modernisation of Public Administration.

Important dates to note in connection with the transition from AURUS to RejsUd:

  • If you have outstanding travel settlement claims in AURUS, including credit card transactions, please process them before you go on holiday if possible, and by 1 August at the latest.
  • On 1 August, credit card transactions will no longer be registered in AURUS, and you must settle any credit card transactions from the month of July in AURUS as soon as possible after your trip.
  • If you travel on business in the period 1 - 21 August 2018, you must not settle your expenses before RejsUd becomes operational on 21 August.
  • All users will receive a new username and password for RejsUd in the week leading up to 21 August.
  • RejsUd will become operational on 21 August 2018.
  • Intro meetings and webinars will be held for selected groups of employees in the autumn.

Further information about RejsUd

An information page about RejsUd containing guides, a FAQ and a list of courses will be made available. Guides will be naturally be available in Danish and English.

If you need help settling travel expenses, you can still contact the travel group under AU Accounts, which provides support on AURUS and RejsUd.

For more information about RejsUD, contact Project Manager Merete Foged, AU Finance and Estates Projects and Development.