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Ramskov rockets a RUNCLEVER-based publication into the air

New findings from the RUNCLEVER trial has been published in BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine by Ramskov et al.

The Run Clever trial investigated if there was a difference in injury occurrence across two running schedules, focusing on progression in volume of running intensity (Sch-I) or in total running volume (Sch-V). The results revealed a similar proportion of runners sustained injuries in the two running schedules. Based on this, increased attention towards the complex interaction between training variables in running is warranted before preventive measures based on modification of running participation can be successful. 

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Daniel Ramskov, Sten Rasmussen, Henrik Sørensen, Erik Thorlund Parner, Martin Lind, Rasmus Oestergaard Nielsen. Run Clever – No difference in risk of injury when comparing progression in running volume and running intensity in recreational runners: A randomised trial.  BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 2018, January; 4(1):e000333.