Aarhus University Seal

Occupational health and safety organisation in place at AU

The election for the occupational health and safety organisation at AU has now been completed successfully. Both new and experienced candidates have been elected as occupational health and safety representatives, and the enormous support for the election has pleased Rector Brian Bech Nielsen, chairman of the Main Occupational Health and Safety Committee.

Occupational health and safety representatives have been elected to occupational health and safety teams and committees at departments, centres and administrative divisions since early January 2018, and also to committees at the faculties and within the administration. Managers for occupational health and safety teams and committees have also been appointed.

Many occupational health and safety committees will be meeting and appointed from this point onwards. There are a few new faces, while occupational health and safety representatives and managers elsewhere in the occupational health and safety organisation are continuing their work. Rector Brian Bech Nielsen, Chairman of the Main Occupational Health and Safety Committee, notes in particular that there has been a great deal of interest in the election and a good turnout.

"The election has gone extremely well, and the occupational health and safety organisation has managed to involve most of our colleagues in the election. At Aarhus University, we work together to reinforce and develop the workplace, and I am looking forward to seeing an excellent process with regard to the forthcoming joint workplace assessment."

The three-year period for the newly appointed organisation will begin with a work environment-themed day to be held on 17 May. The primary emphasis here will be on how we can work together to create the best framework for an excellent work environment at AU. Managers, occupational health and safety representatives and union representatives will soon be receiving their invitations to the themed day.


  • Elections have taken place, and managers have been appointed for 128 occupational health and safety teams.
  • Occupational health and safety representatives have been elected and managers have been appointed to 33 local occupational health and safety committees at departments, centres and administrative divisions.
  • 56 managers and occupational health and safety representatives have been selected for the five occupational health and safety committees for faculties and the administration.
  • The Main Occupational Health and Safety Committee at Aarhus University comprises a total of 10 occupational health and safety representatives and managers.
  • More than 230 active members (managers and occupational health and safety representatives) have been appointed by the occupational health and safety organisation.