Obituary about professor Flemming Isidor
Professor Flemming Isidor died on Sunday December 15, 2019, 67 years old.

Flemming Isidor graduated as a dentist from Tandlægehøjskolen, the Royal Dental College, in 1976, defended his PhD in 1981 and obtained a doctorate (dr. odont.) in 1988.
Flemming Isidor started working at the Royal Dental College in Aarhus in 1977, and here he continued his career until his death. First as a research fellow and substitute assistant professor in periodontology (1977-1984) and then as assistant professor and associate professor in prosthodontics (1984-2001), and finally as professor in prosthodontics (2001-2019). He was head of department at the Department of Dentistry, Aarhus University from 1999-2004, and deputy head of department for a number of years.
Flemming Isidor’s knowledge within his professional work was extensive. He had a profound commitment in many aspects of dentistry and professional insight within the field of odontology with basis in oral prosthodontics, oral implantology and periodontology.
Flemming Isidor was highly regarded internationally for his research. He had an extensive authorship of landmark scientific publications in both international as well as Danish scientific journals.
Flemming Isidor generously shared his extensive knowledge and his main priority was to communicate his research to peers, colleagues and students. For that reason, he was greatly valued as a member of the teaching staff by the students and a highly esteemed member of for example The Academic Council and The Faculty Council, and several research committees at Aarhus University.
Flemming Isidor was highly respected among his colleagues and peers in international and national fields, and he held the honorary position of president of Scandinavian Society for Prosthetic Dentistry (SSPD) in the years 2007-2014. In 2016, he was appointed honorary member of the Danish Dental Association.
All through his career, Flemming Isidor saw it as his primary task to contribute to society and to raise general dental health care. He diligently and conscientiously held various jobs and positions – including public sector consultancy for the Medico-Legal Expert Council (Retslægerådet) and specialist consultant for the Regional Dental Health Care, Central Denmark Region (Regionstandplejen Region Midt). Flemming Isidor was consultant for the Danish Agency for Patient Safety (Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed), the Danish Health Authority (Sundhedsstyrelsen) and the Industrial Injury Authority (Arbejdsskadestyrelsen).
Alongside these tasks, Flemming Isidor also worked as private dental practitioner in order to keep in contact with clinical practice.
Flemming Isidor was a decent, modest and good-humoured person, and he leaves behind a large professional void. He will be greatly missed at the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health, Aarhus University where he was a highly respected researcher, clinician and lecturer for 42 years. Flemming Isidor leaves behind his wife, three grown children and three grandchildren.
In honour of Flemming Isidor’s memory!
Head of department Siri Beier Jensen, Aarhus University, Department of Dentistry and Oral Health