Aarhus University Seal

Newsletter 99 September 2019

Dear All Please find the latest news:

Freedom of research and research integrity

Several of you have probably heard about the “beef report” which is the reason for the current increased focus on freedom of research and research integrity. The case is about the independence of researchers, a value that is fundamental to the university's activities. If you cannot rely on the impartiality of the results published by Aarhus University, the research will no longer have any credibility and thus no value or significance. For this reason, it is crucial that all employees, who conduct research, public sector consultancy, or in other ways collaborate with the community, are familiar with the norms for good research practice to which the university adheres. In this case, the so-called arm's length principle has been breached, as researchers, through a cooperation agreement, ought to ensure that the results, conclusions and press releases published under the AU logo are written and approved by the researchers themselves -  independently of the influence of external parties. However, this principle must not be misunderstood in such a way that it is not possible to collaborate with others while preparing a report or a press release, but in such cases it is absolutely crucial to state who is the sender of which information.


Fortunately, it is relatively easy to familiarise yourself with the guidelines and principles within responsible research and communication practice that exist at AU. Below you will find links to the central documents in the area, and I would like to ask all of you to read them. As an employee, it becomes even more difficult when you are faced with an issue where you experience pressure in relation to changing, withholding or refraining from publishing research results. This is why it is important that in such situations we stop and discuss the issue with a colleague or an adviser from AU's committee for responsible conduct of research and freedom of research. At Health, the advisers are Ebba Nexø and Henrik Toft Sørensen. In connection with research collaboration, it is also important to have a cooperation agreement, which defines, among other things, roles and responsibilities in a collaboration. In addition, all cooperation agreements must be read by a lawyer at TTO and signed by the head of department.  


All guidelines, rules and policies are available on the website on responsible conduct of research and freedom of research.


In addition, our own faculty has elaborated on the guidelines on a totally new website:

http://health.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/research-support/responsible-conduct-of-research/ where you can download the faculty's more stringent standards that were just completed.

Health has also prepared a short set of principles for responsible research communication: https://health.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/communication-and-events/principlesofresearchcommunication/

I am confident that everyone at the department is familiar with the freedom of research principles and handles them in an appropriate manner. Nevertheless, I would like to take the moment to discuss the topic with you. You will thus be invited to a meeting on the topic, where any questions or dilemmas that the individual person may have also can be discussed.


News about academic positions

Last week, we published three broad job advertisements: a professor position, an associate professor position and a tenure track position. Shortlisting will be used for all three advertisements. You can find the job advertisements here:




Of course, you are also welcome to come to me if you have any questions about the positions, and I encourage all interested parties to apply.


Elections to the Board, the Academic Council, the PhD committee and the Study Board

This year, employees and students can vote and run for the Board, the Academic Council, the PhD committee and the Study Board. Elections are held on 15 November 2019. Read more here: https://medarbejdere.au.dk/strategi/valg/


Appointments and extensions take time

Appointments and extensions take time, so please remember to contact Jeannette Madsen (jepe@biomed.au.dk) well in advance, if you have any questions or requests regarding appointments or extensions.


Use of large room offices in the Skou Building

To ensure an office space for all new PhD students and postdocs, we are working on guidelines for the use of large room offices in Skou. Until the guidelines and a possible booking procedure is ready, it is important that the group leader notifies Jeannette Madsen (jepe@biomed.au.dk) in the following cases:

-           If you wish to have an office space

-           When surrendering an office space – also if it is only temporary (e.g. in connection with stays abroad or maternity/paternity leave). 


Karthika is speaker at EMBO Workshop

Karthika Rajeeve is a newly employed assistant professor at Biomedicine. She has been invited to give a presentation at the EMBO workshop in Berlin 26 - 29 October 2019 on the effects of bacterial infections on cancer. Interested parties can read more about the workshop here: http://meetings.embo.org/event/19-bacterial-infection


Competence funding from the State Sector Competence Fund

It is now possible to apply for competence funding directly from the State Sector Competence Fund. You can apply for funding up until the day before the start of the activity. Read more here: kompetenceudvikling.dk/FAQ


Time for Staff Development Dialogue (SDD) - a kind reminder

AU's annual cycle for SDD is September – November. It is important that you prioritize the dialogue. The SDD can be summoned and registered via AUHRA. However, the most important thing is that everyone has the dialogue.  


The Skou Building gets an award

The Skou Building is awarded for the beautiful and quality-oriented construction. The presentation is open to the public and takes place: Monday, 7 October 2019 at 15.00-16-30 in the council chamber at the Aarhus City Hall. 


Support for visiting Professors

Notice from the Danish Diabetes Academy opens in December 2019. It is possible to apply for up to DKK 500,000. Further information: https://www.danishdiabetesacademy.dk/grant/visiting-professorships-2019-2nd-round


The Lundbeck Foundation's visiting Professorships has an open deadline. It is possible to apply for up to DKK 750,000. Find out more on the foundation's website.


Best regards


Thomas G. Jensen