Aarhus University Seal

Newsletter 94 March 2019

Dear all Here is another newsletter of 2019

Anni Mandrup Høeg leaves to work for Forensic Medicine

The department's special consultant Anni Mandrup Høeg has given notice to leave in order to be secretariat manager at the Department of Forensic Medicine as of April 1.  Therefore, we have posted a new position – operating-oriented management consultant – with application deadline March 31. We hope to fill the position as of May 1. Warm thanks to Anni for a fantastic effort with the structuring of the Department – and to make everything work. 


Imaging Core is opening soon

We are in the process of establishing a new imaging core facility at the department. April 1, Christian Garm, MSc PhD, starts as new AC-member of technical/administrative staff in order to get the facility started as soon as possible. Christian comes from a position at Olympus and has great knowledge of high-end microscope construction and the use of software. The equipment of the facility will be available for everyone at AU for a small user fee. Christian Garm can assist you in both data collection and analysis. The imaging core facility has 2 confocal microscopes (hereof a brand new LSM800 airy scan from Zeiss), spinning disk, high-content screening, TIRF and automated wide-field microscope. The next purchase will be a multi photon microscope and a slide scanner. The facility will soon have a user-friendly website, and there will also be a start-up seminar to introduce the various options and services. The core facility is financed with contributions from the faculty, the department, various foundations and research groups at the department. Morten S. Nielsen will be the academic head of the facility.


The move proceeds more or less according to plan

Several research groups have moved to another building; some to the anatomy complex, some to the Skou building (3 of the 8 wings are now inhabited). The moves have proceeded more or less according to plan, and everyone involved is thanked for his/her extraordinary efforts to make it work. We continue to hope that the moves are successfully completed before the summer holidays. In early April, we expect to send out the moving plans regarding Bartholin. Everyone gets a time limit of at least 4 weeks.


News about academic positions

Two-year assistant professor position with teaching in Physiology: Jean Farup is employed in the position.

Tenure track position: So far, Ina Schiessl and Karthika Rajeeve are employed. In addition, we need to complete a 50% employment on the advert.


Transport of dangerous goods

The university’s Safety Advisor Cathrin (Trine) Guldager Sørensen is on leave from her position until 31 January 2020. During that period of time, her tasks at the faculty will be solved partly by the chemical consultants, partly by an external consultancy firm. Contact information for specific tasks (see below) will be available from the Safety Consultant's website, which is being updated. In case of queries, please contact Lina Waldstrøm Asmussen (chemical consultant) lina.waldstrom@au.dk, Tel. + 45 87167608


The Lundbeck Foundation will now pay indirect costs

The Lundbeck Foundation will now pay up to 10% for indirect costs of the research projects – costs related to the research project. In the future, when the budgets pass by me for approval, I will focus on getting these expenses included. All applications exceeding 1 million must still pass by me for approval – preferably in good time – before they are sent off . 


Søren Paludan enters the faculty's new Research Committee

On April 10, Søren Paludan and 10 other employees at the faculty will meet for the first time in the new Health Research Committee. The function of the committee is to help realize the more general strategies for research, talent development and recruitment of  of the faculty. Søren is as deputy department head of research automatically member of the new committee and thus an obvious choice to contact if you have input and ideas. Read more in the article New Management Committee Will Enhance Research At Health: http://biomed.medarbejdere.au.dk/#news-15221


Applications for Eva and Henry Frænkels Memorial Foundation

Application deadline is May 1. Research support areas: cancer, heart and circulatory diseases. Grants can be used for e.g. purchase of apparatus, publication of scientific literature as well as studies abroad. More information: www.fraenkel.info


New Cluster Manager

On March 1, Rune Thomsen started as cluster manager at the department and he is part of the national network Biopeople. Rune will help catalyze the cooperation between research and private companies and help researchers with business plans in their contact with the TTO. Rune can be reached on 2849 8014 or rt@biomed.au.dk.


DNU Parking Card

DNU parking cards have been purchased and can be borrowed at the secretariat. There is a card at the secretariat in Biomedicine South and one in the Skou building


Key lanyards

Don’t forget to return the blue key lanyards to the secretariats so that we can return them.


Lymphoma Meeting in Aarhus

The meeting on tumor microenvironment primarily in Lymphoma will take place May 23-24 in Aarhus. Read more here: http://nordictumormicroenvironment.org


Minutes of the meeting of the Department's occupational health and safety organisation AMO on 19/12 can be read here:



Minutes of the meeting of the faculty collaboration committee FSU 18/2 can be read here:



Best regards


Thomas G. Jensen