Aarhus University Seal

Newsletter 89 October 2018

Dear all Please find the latest news:

Moving plans

The move into Skou is postponed as announced on 12 October. We have prepared a detailed moving plan, but this will not be announced yet as some adjustments may still occur. Overall, however, we can say that the plan is that it will be the groups from 1170 that will be the first to move, because we are to hand over the building shortly. The groups from 1160 and the animal facilities in the Bartholin building will follow afterwards. This means that the Bartholin groups will move in February/March 2019 at the earliest.


News about academic positions

Associate professorship advertised with application deadline 2/12-2018. For details, please visit 



Important application deadlines coming up

NNF Young Investigator Award 15/11

NNF Laureate Research Grants 15/11 

Lundbeck Foundation Postdoc 27/11 

Novo Nordisk's Challenge Programme 6/12 

Lundbeck Fellowship 13/12 


Funding for research into blood diseases

Applications are hereby invited to the farmer of "Ølufgård" Peder Nielsen's Memorial Foundation. This year, the fund is DKK 360,000. The application deadline is 18 November 2018. The application must include: Project proposal (with a clear indication of the applicant's name and where the project is carried out). Draft budget (with a clear information about the applied amount). Brief CV (with clear indication of name, position, place of employment and contact address). List of publications (possibly selected publications) for the main applicant. The application must be in Danish or English, and there is no application form. The application must be 5 pages maximum. Applications must be submitted no later than 18 November 2018 to ha@au.dk in one single PDF file, which is to be named the applicant's first and last name. If you have any questions, please contact Henry Andreasen on +45 87152004 or ha@au.dk.


Newsletter on EU funding opportunities

The central Denmark EU Office, which among others are financed by AU, publishes newsletters on current funding opportunities. You can register here:



Inaugural lecture by professor Thomas Vorup-Jensen

Friday 23 November at 15:00 in the Lecture Hall (347) in building 1170. There will be an informal reception after the lecture in the coffee room in the same building .


Inauguration of the Skou Building

On October 8th, we officially cut the ribbon at our new building. See the report and the video from the event. Also thanks to you all for a really good department party Friday. Now we look forward to moving in.


Minutes of the Department forum’s meeting on 12/9 can be read here



Best regards


Thomas G. Jensen