Aarhus University Seal

Newsletter 88 from September 2018

Dear All Please find latest news:

Moving Plans

The celebration of the Skou Building will be held Monday, October 8th (the Minister of Construction and the Minister of Culture has announced that they will be coming) and the employee party will be held on Friday, October 12th.

We expect the relocation we can start in week 46 (mid-November). The reason why we postponed the moving 4 weeks was that a number of adjustments in the building has to be made before we can move in. This is especially the installation of extra flow benches. The relocation to building 1233/1234 (Anatomy) is proceeding as planned.


PhD students' teaching

As a result of a few cases, it must be stated that PhD students cannot teach more than 150 hours, including preparation. It is important that the PhD students gain their main education experience through the teaching teams, thus ensuring the best supervision and feedback on their efforts.


News on VIP positions

A full Professor position is posted. See more here: http://international.au.dk/about/profile/vacant-positions/academic-positions/stillinger/Vacancy/show/1006133/5283/


Application deadline for support for courses (TAP) and travel (VIP) are 1 October

More information can be found on the Department web site and Anni Høeg can be contacted for further information at annimh@biomed.au.dk

Courses (TAP): http://biomed.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/hr-payroll-holidays-and-absence/continuing-and-further-education/

Travel (VIP): http://biomed.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/finance-and-travel/travel/


Application for Business Practice Received (From a Master of Molecular Medicine)

Contact annimh@biomed.au.dk for more information if your group is interested in offering a practice position.


New travel billing system

AU has closed AURUS and has switched to RejsUd as a travel settlement system. You can still get help with travel bills by contacting your local secretariat or by writing to reisud@biomed.au.dk.


Booking of meeting rooms in the Skou Building

The meeting rooms in the Skou Building can now be booked in the electronic calendar. We want to ensure a good distribution of meeting rooms between the groups in the Skou Building, and once we have come in place we will make a joint distribution of regular meetings. It is not possible to book meetings with repetitions and all meetings that are booked after February 1 will be deleted. See an overview of meeting rooms at Biomedicine here: biomed.medarbejdere.au.dk/praktisk-info-og-faciliteter/lokaleadministration-booking/


Landline telephones are phased out

There is no possibility for analogue landline telephones in the Skou Building and the current analogue telephone numbers will be discontinued when moving from Bartholin and the 1170 complex. If you need a digital landline phone in the Skou Building, please contact Morten Pless pless@biomed.au.dk. The price for a digital landline phone is approx. 1,500 kr. that is to be paid for by the research group. 


Award Ceremony

The Jens Christian Skou Prize will be awarded: Thursday 11. October 2018 at 13.00-15.00 at the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS). All are invited.


It is possible to sign up for the AU mentor system

The deadline for signing up for the AU mentor system “Empower talent” is 23. October. All interested in becoming mentor or mentee can sign up. Further info: https://medarbejdere.au.dk/en/administration/hr/organisational-learning-and-development/empower-talent-mentor-scheme/


Minutes of meeting of the Department's Working Environment Committee (LAMU) held 18. June can be seen here



Yours sincerely


Thomas G. Jensen