Newsletter 81 January 2018
Dear All Welcome back after Christmas vacation and the New Year. I hope you all have been able to relax for a few days, although I also know that many have had exam assignments, etc. A number of challenges are expected in the new year of relocation and revision of the medical education, so that there will be need for lots of energy. Please find latest news:
New relocation plans
We are not yet ready in the management team with the first proposal for changed move plans, but expect to send the material to written consultation in early February.
Tours in the Skou Building
The building of Skou The building is proceeding ahead, and now the setup of laboratories on the upper floors has begun. In the coming months we will arrange tours in cooperation with our technical manager Conor Leerhøy. If you would like to see the Skou Building from the inside then sign up for this link:
Please keep in mind that it is prohibited and at great risk for both yourself and others to enter the site without a guide and without the necessary safety equipment.
Theft in the Bartholin Building and in the Biochemistry Building (1170) – please note the rules
Between Christmas and New Year there was theft in the Bartholin Building, and here in January there was an attempt at the Biochemistry building (1170). Some laptops were stolen. Please do not let anyone into the building you do not know. Likewise, we encourage you to show your access card at the entrance to the building, so that the employee either is unlocking or on the way out can see that you have access. Finally, please note that it is natural to ask other people about their activities, and answer such a question from another employee. In the Bartholin building, a camera captured the face of the unwanted guest, and the case was reported to the police.
News on VIP appointments
Niels Henrik Buus is employed as a 50% associate professor in pharmacology.
Tomonori Takeuchi is employed as an external financed employee at AIAS with workplace at the department. He received a Young Investigator Award of DKK 20 million from the Novo Nordisk Fund. Read more here:
There were 16 applications for the professorship in Medical Bacteriology. The evaluation process is under way.
Pregnancy policy has been prepared by the working environment organization at Health
See more here:
Folder on stress from the working environment organization is available on the Health website
See more here:
Application deadline for support for courses (TAP) and travel (VIP) has been extended to February 4
More information can be found on the Departments web site and Anni Høeg can be contacted for further information at
Courses (TAP):
Travel (VIP):
The Young Academy of the Royal Danish Science Society
Application deadline: March 1, 2018. Find the full notice and details of the application procedure: Det Unge Akademis hjemmeside.
Novo Nordisk Symposium 2018
Novo Nordisk and ST invite researchers and PhD students to attend an annual symposium on 2 March in Måløv. The purpose is to establish new cooperative relations between AU and Novo Nordisk. Registration is via the inserted link in the invitation. There will be a joint bus ride from the AU (meeting time and venue will be announced later). At the first symposium, held at the Chemical Institute in 2017, more than 150 researchers and students participated.
Rules for travel
Pay attention to the travel rules, including the hotel disbursement amount - there are too many overspendings. The rules can be seen here:
If you are having trouble finding hotels in Copenhagen and other Danish cities within the budget, the hotel agreements can be found at:
TTO course in research-based value creation / entrepreneurship
The course is free to participate and is for both PhD students (who can get ECTS points for that) and for Post-Docs / researchers in general. You do not have to have an idea for commercialization to attend the course, but may come to explore the possibilities of working with value creation in relation to job creation, business collaborators and spinouts. There are two course days and in the weeks in between, participants will work individually with value creation facilitated by the Science for Society / Open Entrepreneurship instructors.
Course description:
Spring courses in research dissemination and media training
Would you like to tell about your research so that anyone other than your colleagues can understand it - verbally, in writing, on video or through the media? Or are you sometimes contacted by the press and are unsure how to handle the journalists? Learn how at one of Health's courses
Minutes of the last meeting in the academic council on 11 December
Can be seen
Secondary employment for non EU/EØS employees
Non-EU/EEA employees/guests holding a residence and work permit to Aarhus University and who is considering to act as external examiner, give lectures or to take other sideline activities anywhere in Denmark should familiarize yourself with the rules for secondary employment. If you hold a work and residence permit to Aarhus University, this permit only allows you to work for the specific and specified employer (AU) in the specified position and period, as mentioned in your work and residence permit. If you are considering engaging in any other activities (e.g. external lecturer etc.), an additional permit for that sideline activity is required (whether the activity is paid or unpaid). A sideline permit is required for each sideline activity. Please note that external examination or assessment committee work at another Danish university does not require a specific sideline permit. Se this document for further information:
Workshop: Collaboration Planning Biotech
During the workshop you can meet and get inputs from Jana Fischer (Senior Scientist at DuPont) with ten years of experience. Collaboration planning is a skill set that can be learned. Come and join Collaboration Planning workshop that offers a simple process on how to build relationships, plan projects and proceed to a signed, legal agreement. This workshop will enable you to understand why collaboration proposals fail – and how you could be the principle scientist that succeeds. At Aarhus University, the Corporate Relations and Technology Transfer unit is offering this workshop in “Collaboration Planning” to all PhDs and Postdocs that will become the future research leaders within industry and academia.
21th February 2018, 12:00-15:00, at Stakladen, Preben Hornungstuen. Please sign up here:
Aarhus University Junior Researcher Association (AU JRA
The Association is for individuals who has completed their doctoral degree (or at least submitted their Ph.D. thesis to the graduate school) and holds a fixed term (or temporary) position at AU. AU-JR can be a postdoc, research assistant, and assistant professor or any other title with a research-based portfolio which is a fixed term position at all faculties, schools, and departments of AU. The aim is to work closely with the Aarhus University leadership and administration to achieve the best possible working conditions for junior researchers, thereby making AU a more attractive place for JR training in the future. To achieve this purpose, the JRA focuses on:
a) Discuss and improve working conditions for junior researchers
b) Represent junior researchers from all faculties, schools, and departments of Aarhus University, in “political boards”
c) Facilitate communication and networking between junior researchers within all faculties, schools, and departments of Aarhus University.
d) Create an intellectual framework (interdisciplinary collaboration etc.) for junior researchers at Aarhus University
More info:
Yours sincerely
Thomas G. Jensen